FCS AugSepOct 2024

FCS AugSepOct 2024

FCS AugSepOct 2024

August 2024 Edition

Family & Consumer Sciences
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Hello FCS friends! I bet you noticed this newsletter looks a little different! I am going to try something new and do
a newsletter every three months. I hope this gives you more heads up on what programs I am offering and more
opportunity to get involved at Mercer County Extension. I may like this change and I may not, so I hope you bare
with me while I learn and adapt. I want to make my programming accessible for everyone and that means
providing plenty of time for you to plan to attend programs. This will also allevate the stress of rushing to get a
newsletter done every four weeks. (As long as I don’t forget anything important!) Sometimes it seems as if four
weeks goes by in the blink of an eye and I just can’t keep up! I hope this change is impactful and helps with class
attendance! With all of that being said, right below this blurb please see the QR code/Link that will allow you to
complete a survey on what type of programming you are most interested in! I want to bring you the classes you
want to take so give me your honest feedback! I appreciate each of you more than you know.